Sunday, July 28, 2013

no.89 130728 Thank you for today's message

From my sketch book. 511 Spadina
I just finished packing. I hope I didn't forget anything. I'm really excited I couldn't fall asleep last night. I was extremely tired so I thought I was going to sleep like a baby but I was wrong.
I've been repeating myself that I can't believe I'm going to Mexico! I really wonder what it'll be like in Guadalajara. I wonder how I will feel once I get there and see how they live and meet the people of Mexico.
I just want to share something that I learned today through the message at church. Let me ask you - is your relationship with God more of a 'God-slave' relationship or a 'Father-son'? My pastor said to look at the way you call God when you pray. Do you start off your prayer by 'Dear God' or 'Dear Father'? I usually say 'Dear Heavenly Father' but I think I think of my relationship with God as more of a 'God-slave' relationship. I always ask Him things like: what can I do to glorify you? What can I do to please Him? etc, etc. 

Im thankful for today's message!! I want to have the 'Father-son' relationship more than 'Master-servant.'

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