Saturday, July 6, 2013

no.67 130706 Thank you for the VBS

The theme of VBS for our children this year is 'Bread of Life Bakery'
In a week from today, there is a vacation Bible school (VBS) at my church. Although I have heard of the term 'VBS' before, I didn't fully understand the meaning of the term and what it's about until recently. How can I not know what VBS is when I've been going to church all my life? It's because I only know the Korean term for it.

It's because I spent my childhood in Korea. VBS is for kids from kindergarten up to grade 6, and I went to school in Korea until grade 5. Anyways, I am serving as a teacher in the preschool department at my church. It's my first time doing a VBS and I'm very excited! The theme is 'Bread of Life Bakery'. I am in charge of crafts so I went to pick up some materials today.

I had fun picking out items for the children. Thinking about what they'd like, what they'd use... it made me happy! I'm thankful for this opportunity to serve as a teacher at the preschool ministry and be a part of this year's VBS. As I prepare for this event, I am recalling a lot of memories from when I attended VBS many many years ago. No I don't have any memory of myself going to VBS when I was a kindergartener. I was too young to remember anything. However, I have memories of doing various activities when I was in elementary school. My church in Korea was pretty big, and the church built some sort of community centre somewhere in the suburbs. I remember going there one summer for our VBS. I don't remember what I learned from there except for all the fun games and memorable activities we did. And of course, my favourite part - swimming. We went for 2 nights and 3 days because we were a bit older. The children in the ministry are between 3-5, so they are a lot younger. Some younger children have a hard time separating from their parents, although it's less than 2 hours on Sundays. Definitely no overnight trip for us!

I pray that our preparation will go well, and the children will have lots of fun learning about God through the VBS. 

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