Saturday, July 6, 2013

no.66 130705 Thank you for the quiet time

Ice cream we got when my friends and I went on a short trip over the long weekend.
There are days when I really want to have a quiet time with God. On some days, I know I have to spend a quality time with Him, but I just 'don't feel like doing it'. There are also other days I just forget or don't have time in the morning to do it.

I was between the second and the third today. When I got up, I almost forgot about doing my daily devotion and rushed to make breakfast since I woke up hungry. After my breakfast, the thought of doing my quiet time came to my mind. I was hesitant for a bit but I kind of forced myself. Then through it, I received a perfect message. The focus of the message was about setting priorities daily. This is something I know very well in my head. Although I know how important it is to start the day with God, why is it so hard to be consistent with the daily devotions?

I'm thankful for the message I got through today's quiet time. To be honest, it's a little embarrassing to say that I did my quiet time today because I only read it once. It was a short passage and I literally read from the beginning to end and that was the end of my devo. My pastor recommends that I spend at least 20 - 30 minutes for quiet time. I should read the verse over and over, trying to absorb God's message that He has prepared for me today. Also, I think it's important that I enjoy this time. Sometimes I think of quiet time as a burden. When I don't start my day with God's message, I feel guilty as well. I pray that there will be joy in my heart in seeking to spend this intimate quality time with God. I pray that quiet time will be something I look forward to when I get up in the morning.

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