Saturday, June 29, 2013

no.60 130629 Thank you for the long weekend

Capturing the blue sky while walking around the neighbourhood.
When you have a nine to five job, one of the things you look forward to the most is weekend. Weekends are great, but what's more exciting is a long weekend. I remember checking the calendar to see when the next long weekend was. Because I'm not working at the moment, a long weekend doesn't feel that special to me. This long weekend is Canada day weekend. July 1st marks Canada day. It's when Canada became an independent country with its own government apart from the Great Britain.

I'm thankful for the long weekend. I'm going on a short trip with my church friends tomorrow, after the service. I hope that the weather will be nice while we're on the trip. I'm ready to have fun! I wish the sky will be clear so that I can see the milky way. It will really suck to miss it after driving for about 2-3 hours away from home. Also... I'm thankful for the 60th post!

I want to share one verse today. I got it from the daily Bible application on my phone. It was interesting to read this verse this morning because of what I prayed about last night, before going to bed. I received this message in the midst of asking God what I should do.

"Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord" - Psalm 27:14

It's really cool to know that your prayers are answered. Sometimes the answer can be yes, or it could be no, or sometimes you need to wait, just like how God answered my prayer today. I want to keep praying about what I've been praying for and wait for the Lord's time.

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