Friday, June 28, 2013

no.59 130628 Thank you for a safe drive to and from my sister's place

My sister got me this 'boong-uh-bbang'. Thanks Sunny!
My dad and I drove my sister back to her school, which is located 2 hours away from Toronto. I'm actually writing this post from my sister's place, just in case I don't make it on time.

Weather wise, it's been a gloomy day. The rain was on and off all day. From time to time it was pouring so hard that we couldn't see where we were going. The cars were slowing down, and at one point, we were moving slow as a snail. And then I fell asleep as usual... until we got here. I felt bad for my dad because both my sister and I fell asleep in the car. He's probably used to it. I could fall asleep almost anywhere in a moving transportation. In the car, on the bus, on the subway... except on the airplane. There was this one time when I fell asleep on the bus to work and I missed my bus stop. Where I worked was in a country side, so the bus stops are really far apart, and in between each stop is just farmland after farmland. Also, I never went further than where I usually got off. Luckily, I found a way to walk to where I should've gotten off (I was only five minutes away from the school where I worked), and I wasn't late. I think that was the only one time. That's not that bad, right?

I'm thankful that we safely arrived at my sister's place. I also hope for God's guidance on the way home! I hope that the espresso drink I had will keep me up while driving back home, so that my dad won't be so bored.

On a side note, tomorrow will be my 60th post already! I'm so thankful and happy that I made it this far. I'm also thankful for the 60 things to be thankful about! I can't wait until I reach my 100th post!

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