Saturday, June 1, 2013

no.32 130601 Thank you for today

Celebrate with me! I managed to be consistent for a whole month!
Today is Saturday, June 1st, 2013. It is my happiest day of the year yet.

I was so excited for today and had a hard time falling asleep last night. I woke up just before 8AM because I wanted to make sure that I have enough time to get to Mississauga. I'm still a little bit scared to drive on the highway alone, so I wanted to take a local route to get to the place. I gave myself a good fifty minutes to get to the Light Church. I was just there last night about twelve hours ago, so it wasn't that hard to find when I got closer to the church. Plus, I have a pretty good sense of direction (in my opinion). You might be wondering why I went there twice in a row. I only had one reason - I wanted to hear Sean Ro speak.

I've been Sean's fan ever since I first discovered who he is - a husband and a dad. Well, I knew him from 'JinuSean' but I wasn't into hiphop in the 90s. I do like hiphop now, but what attracted me to him was not his musical talent. I fell in love with him when I saw how he put God in the centre of everything. As I spent more time learning about how he treats his wife and his two children (Sean and his wife Jung Hye Young have four children now), God changed my prayers for my future husband and my family. Sean and Jung Hye Young have become my role models for some years now. I will write about my thoughts on Sean, his family, and what I learned today in another post. For today, I want to say that I had a great time being there listening to his testimony.

After Sean's 'talk-concert', I only had about half an hour to cook and eat lunch. I signed up to prepare and feed the homeless and other poor people downtown. I quickly made instant noodles (I rarely eat this because I know how unhealthy it is and I don't really like its taste) but I only ate about half because time was ticking. I got to my church, and all of the volunteers drove down together to the Christian facility where tonight's event was to take place. We cooked, served food, and shared stories. Today was my first time serving the homeless people. I went because I wanted to see if I would feel the same way even after serving them. To be honest, I don't have a big heart for the homeless because in my opinion, it was their choice to live that way. I think it's still hard for me to accept them and open up my heart to them. But this story too, I will save it for next time.

Whether I have a big or a small heart for these people, I still enjoyed my time serving them today. It reminded me of Sean and his wife serving the poor at their anniversaries. Ever since their first anniversary, they have been helping out at a church in Seoul, where they prepare a warm meal for the poor. I was proud of myself to do this sort of act of kindness for the first time. I was happy because I felt a step closer to what I want in my married life - to serve together just like Sean & Jung Hye Young. I was extra happy because in the morning, I got to listen to Sean's message in person, and in the afternoon, I was able to challenge myself to step out of my comfort zone and serve the people in need.

I'm happy to share my one month anniversary with my blog on this wonderful day. I couldn't have had a better day. As my friend once said, 'today was the perfect day.' I'm thankful for today. I'm thankful for everything God had planned for me for today. I can be confident to say that I can feel God smiling at me at this moment. I can't wait for today to see what He has stored for me tomorrow.

As Sean says, "God loves you, and God bless you!"

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