Friday, May 24, 2013

no.24 130524 Thank you for my life group

Colourful mugs at Indigo the bookstore. One of my favourite stores.
I've joined life group that my church offers. It's a Bible study group, but I guess my church just calls it differently. I joined one last year for the first time, and this is my second year being a part of great fellowship, time of learning and reflection with fellow Christian girls.

A couple of years ago, I wanted to be involved at my church, and be a part of some sort of Bible study because I was yearning for more of God in my life. By mid 2011, however, due to hardships in life, I felt lost and I started to wander aimlessly. When I think about it now, I'm not sure why I didn't try to hold on tighter to God when the times were tough. I know God wanted to continue our relationship, but I kept rejecting Him. I guess I didn't have much faith back then. There was absolutely no growth in my spiritual life during that time. My heart no longer sought after a personal relationship with Him.

By 2012, I came to realize that it was unhealthy to live life this way - living a life that's distant from God. Thankfully, something made me realize that I needed to get back to Him. In the midst of finding ways to rebuild my relationship with God, I found out that my church offers a life group. At first I was hesistant if this could help, but soon I decided to join.

Even after participating in a life group, I still struggled to get back on track and set my life focus on God. There were some days when I didn't feel like going. Actually, I think there was a time I just didn't go because I didn't feel like going. Most of the times, I forced myself to go. You might think forcing myself is probably as bad as not going at all. But at the end of the meeting, I always thought to myself "I'm glad I came out." The life group meetings came to an end at the end of the year. At that point, I took some time to look back to the past year. I realized that I didn't grow spiritually as much as I wanted in the beginning of the year. I was disappointed in myself but I wanted to keep trying.

This is my second year joining a life group at my church. The people, the atmosphere, the dynamics, the materials we cover are all different from last year. But the motive is the same - striving to have a closer relationship with God, to get to know Him on a personal level and to live a godly life. I am much more motivated this year than the last. It's still difficult to live a godly life, to pray and do quiet times consistently. However, I know I'm not alone. God has provided me with my life group girls - experiencing similar challenges in life, as well as in our spiritual life - to keep challenging myself to grow more and more, and to be there to encourage me when things are hard. Today, I am thankful for my life group (I'm just coming back from our meeting!), and I praise God for these wonderful ladies in my life.

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