What's left from the engagement day! |
It's been almost a year... since my last update in March, 2016. I guess I am back, for the time being. The reason that I didn't update my blog was not because I ran out of things to be thankful for. Because since the last time I blogged, there has been more than plenty of things that I'm thankful for. But it's more so because of my laziness and at times, I forgot to... and that went on for weeks after months... and I became complacent.
I've been doing my devo on Psalms and I keep entering this cycle where I enjoy reading -> finding chapters very repetitive -> feeling like there's no new information -> repenting and realizing that I was wrong -> enjoying reading again. Today, I was on Psalm 98 and it seemed so similar to I had read the day before, and the day before that, and two days before that... I felt so dry, bored, couldn't pay attention, so I actually didn't have a quality time with God. But, as soon as I read the chapter once, something came to my mind. I felt like God was speaking to me. He was asking "how come you read psalms about praising me for the past how many weeks (or months), yet you don't praise me?" I feel like He also could've said something like, "helllloooooo? I've been giving you these obvious hints this whole time, and look how long it took you to realize."
That's when it hit me. I felt so dumb and clueless. I was giving thanks to God, and I was singing praises to God on Sundays, but did I actually "praise" and worship God? I feel like I haven't done that in a long time. I felt the prompting from God that I need to get back to this blog but I kept pushing it off. God's been telling me that I need to praise Him but I've been just dwelling in the brainstorming stage, and not putting anything I brainstormed into an action.
I've been also learning about disciplining myself spiritually. So with this entry, I want to discipline myself again in giving thanks to God through my blog. By doing this, I can start counting my blessings again and really grasp on how great our God is. Today, I'm thankful that God spoke to me through His word, and that I'm able to get back on my blog!
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