Saturday, February 6, 2016

160206 Thank you for the first Meeting House

Are my jade plants growing or dying?

This week was the launch of the Meeting House (MH). It is a new ministry in the Hi-C congregation of my church, where the students meet in small groups, and meet on a biweekly basis. It's pretty much the same as life groups which I'm a part of. I am co-leading a group of 6 girls from grade 7-9. Today was the first day for my group to meet. 

I was excited for our group to meet, especially hearing from others on how great their first meetings have been. I'm not completely sure why but I was not in a good mood today and this made me not to look forward to it as I was getting ready for the MH. However, things changed as I met the students and started our meeting. 

It was a little awkward, students were little shy and reserved as it is usually the case in first meetings. Although it was only introductory, I see how much these girls will grow together in a small community that we just established. As we have shared on what we expect and in which areas we want to grow from now until June, I hope and pray that we will keep each other accountable to make this happen. As for me, what I hope to do for the next 5 months or so is to take them as my disciples and to genuinely care and pray for these girls, and get to know them deeply.

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