Sunday, February 28, 2016

160228 Thank you for the good family memories

Jeju Island, 2007

It was Mr. K's grandpa's birthday dinner tonight. It reminded me of my grandpa and my family. When was the last time I celebrated his birthday with him? Honestly speaking, I don't even know when his birthday was. I guess, even if I knew his birthday, the best I could do is to call him and wish him happy birthday. I know even just little and simple thing as a phone call would've made my grandpa happy.

Although I don't know Mr. K's family that well yet, it was nice to be in a family gathering because all my relatives live in Korea. Even if I want to go to a family gathering, there's no way of going unless I fly all the way there. I realize how much I miss those family dinners we had when I was young. I remember my family going over to my grandparent's house (my dad's side) every Sunday after church. My gomo's family and my uncle's family would also come over and we would either eat at home together, or go out to eat. I remember asking my grandma for 1000won (equivalent to $1) so that I can get a snack (usually super junk food) right across the street from her house. There were 5 of us - my sister, my three cousins and myself, so we each got 1000won to spend. If we were lucky, sometimes my grandma would let us rent a video from the small video store next to the convenience store. I think the video rentals were also about 1000won or maybe even less. We probably watched Power Rangers or Jjang-gu, if I remember correctly.

I think my grandpa put his arms around my grandma, after I told them to look more friendly in the picture.
 My grandma then awkwardly laughed.

My grandparents were the only ones who lived in a house, so it was fun to spend time there. Going up and down the stairs, playing in the rooms upstairs where my dad, my aunt and my uncle used to live, and playing in the yard with the flowers that my grandpa planted and took care of. All those were some of the memories I can recall from my childhood.

And there are memories from the time when I visited Korea. The first time I got to stay in Korea for a month or two was in 2007, when I was in university. That allowed me to go on a overnight trip with my relatives. That summer, I went to Korea with my sister and we were lucky to go to Jeju island with my grandparents and my gomo's family. My dad's side family is pretty weird and hilarious (mostly my grandma and my gomo, sometimes my grandpa too), so we have numerous unforgettable memories. This trip to Jeju, there were several incidences and as I write this entry, it brings me laughter thinking about all the things that happened during this trip. 

In the end, they were both smiling and I was able to get a cute picture of them:)
My grandpa is no longer here with us. But my grandma is. My grandparents from my mom's side are. All my cousins, aunts and uncles are still here with us, although they may all be living in Korea. I also have Mr. K's family and his relatives, who live nearer than my own relatives. I'm thankful for the memories that I already made in the past, and for the ones that I will make in the future.

Saturday, February 6, 2016

160206 Thank you for the first Meeting House

Are my jade plants growing or dying?

This week was the launch of the Meeting House (MH). It is a new ministry in the Hi-C congregation of my church, where the students meet in small groups, and meet on a biweekly basis. It's pretty much the same as life groups which I'm a part of. I am co-leading a group of 6 girls from grade 7-9. Today was the first day for my group to meet. 

I was excited for our group to meet, especially hearing from others on how great their first meetings have been. I'm not completely sure why but I was not in a good mood today and this made me not to look forward to it as I was getting ready for the MH. However, things changed as I met the students and started our meeting. 

It was a little awkward, students were little shy and reserved as it is usually the case in first meetings. Although it was only introductory, I see how much these girls will grow together in a small community that we just established. As we have shared on what we expect and in which areas we want to grow from now until June, I hope and pray that we will keep each other accountable to make this happen. As for me, what I hope to do for the next 5 months or so is to take them as my disciples and to genuinely care and pray for these girls, and get to know them deeply.