Thursday, December 10, 2015

151210 Thank you for the Christmas gift idea

A cute kitchen that captured my attention

"It's that time again" says my sister, after seeing a several packages of ground almond on the kitchen counter. Yes indeed. It's that time again to start a cookie factory. It's not a tradition or anything to bake cookies every Christmas but it's something I enjoy doing and it makes a good gift. I've been looking up recipes online last night and found some I like. I picked the top five I liked. It's not guaranteed that I'm going to bake all five but we shall see. Last year, I did something similar and made four different cookies in one day... and that was fun, yet exhausting! When the cookies were cooled and I was putting them in the jars, I realized that it wasn't gonna be enough. The jars were bigger than I thought. So I quickly made a new batch and that completed my Christmas cookie jars.

I'm planning to do something similar as last year. Currently, it's all in my head and who knows... if I don't have enough time, or don't feel like doing it, then this may not happen. One thing that's hard about this is when to bake. Since I don't put (nor know how to put) preservatives in the cookies, I can't make it and bring it to one party that's happening this week, and save it and bring it to the next week's party. By then, these cookies will get super hard and won't be edible anymore. I just need to think of when I will see the most people and bake it around that time... I've already started buying the ingredients so, hopefully I can make it happen!

I'm thankful that I'm able to think about this gift idea. Although I won't have the time or the resources to make everyone something this Christmas, I'm thankful for the opportunity to share this small gift to people around me. So... let's make this happen!

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