Thursday, September 11, 2014

no.497 140910 Thank you for the teachers at church

I rarely go to church on a Wednesday but today was an exception. There was a teacher's dedication service. As we kick off to a new school year, all the teachers who serve were called to dedicate themselves in front of the church and receive prayers. Oh yes, we also performed a song together. The pastor spoke about how much impact the teachers have on their students and as an example, he spoke about Howard Hendricks. I have read a book written by Hendricks last year, which was called "Teaching to Change Lives." It was a good reminder as I have forgotten how much influence I can have on my students. As the new school year has started, I want to read Hendrick's book again and to be pray and strive to be a teacher who can change the students' lives in a positive way that is pleasing to God.

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