Saturday, August 9, 2014

no.465 140809 Thank you for the evening walk around the neighbourhood

Happy birthday to my one and only sister!

My stomach felt so bloated from eating too much for dinner. I love fish but we hardly eat Korean style fish at home because of the smell. When we do make it, I think I tend to eat more than what I can. Plus, a couple of hours before dinner time, I had finished a chicken sandwich.. but I had to eat dinner because we were having fish! Although it was late, I had to go for a walk… or else, I probably will feel sick to sleep. As I was walking down the street, I realized that I haven't done this for a while. I used to go for walks in the evening very often last summer, to exercise and to have some time on my own. What I also like about it is that I get to talk to God and I can focus on our conversation. I like talking to God throughout the day, but often times I am interrupted - by my family, friends, or what's happening around me. When I'm walking alone, I know it's just me and God. On my way home, there is a playground that I like stopping by. There was an ajumma who was playing some Asian music out loud and doing tai chi or some sort of stretching moves… I got on the swing, got my earphones out and started listening to my own music and sang along to the songs… For some reason, that spot reminds me of Mexico, mostly because I did a lot of processing when I came back from missions last year. I was able to do the same thing today. What a great way to end the night.

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