Tuesday, August 5, 2014

no.461 140805 Thank you for the banana ice cream

Can you spot the shadow?
Too much ice cream in my diet today. I usually stick with my own snacks and try not to eat more than what I pack for lunch. Well, today was an exception. I guess it's my fault for eating lunch in front of an ice cream parlour. After I finished my pasta and blueberries, I was like, hmm maybe I wanna check what kind of flavours they have. And there, I couldn't believe what I saw with my own eyes. Banana!  Banana flavour is extremely rare so when you see it, and if it tastes good, you have to get it. When it comes to ice cream, I get really picky. I don't like ice creams that have a lot of stuff inside - for instance, caramel, chocolate pieces, and so on. My favourite flavour is grape, but I've never seen grape flavoured ice cream in Canada so I have to go with either banana, or green tea or red beans or cassis/blackberry… which are all hard to find. If I don't see any of them, I usually stick to a boring choice - vanilla. So I ended up getting a half scoop of ice cream on a waffle cone and it was sooooo delicious.

I had a dinner date with a friend from church, and we went for frozen yogurt for dessert. And there it was again… this time, both green tea and banana were there! I got so excited… and I ended up getting both:) I've never seen banana flavour at a frozen yogurt place.

Anyways, I feel like a fatty today from having ice cream two times! But this is how I see it - once the banana flavour is done, it's gone and I might not get a chance to have it again for a while. So enjoy while I can!

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