Saturday, May 24, 2014

no.389 140524 Thank you for the moment to remember Mexico

Dulce de leche gelato!
Sometimes I forget how exciting it is to be returning to Mexico this summer. It was for a quick second, but while waiting for a friend at a busy intersection downtown, the moment took be back to Mexico. For some reason, it reminded me of Centro de Guadalajara. It could've been the busyness of the moment, or the breeze, or the smell, or the fact that I was waiting for my Mexico team member from last year. I don't know what, something from that moment triggered my memory of last summer. Mexico 2013 was like a dream for me. I still can't believe that I was on the mission trip to Mexico, and I  can't believe I'm going back this July. I'm happy I had a moment to remember my mission trip!

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