Sunday, April 27, 2014

no.362 140427 Thank you for my memories from grade 1

Vintage sketch book diaries from the past!
A couple of weeks ago when I was doing a major house cleaning with my mom, I found a few of picture diaries from back when I was in grade one. I haven't gotten a chance to open it until today and I immediately bursted into laughter. I remember some people that was mentioned in my journal,  like my best friends in elementary school, and I also remember some stories in the book. Most of the stories are mundane - playing with my friends, going to swimming classes, visiting my grandparents and so on. Nonetheless, I recorded some special entries about preparing for my aunt's wedding and having fun at the autumn sports day at school. I pretty much recorded what happened that day - sometimes I expressed how I felt - happy, sad and how I was mad at my friends.

As I was reading, there was one story that caught my attention. I remember what happened that day really well, but I really didn't think I was that young when it happened. I thought I was in grade 3 but according to my diary, it took place when I was in grade 1. I took swimming class with a few of my friends when I was in grade one, and because it was a little bit far from where I lived, the shuttle bus came to pick me up and drove me back home along with three of my friends. One day, I got into a fight with two of them, and this other friend and I decided to not get on the shuttle bus but to walk home, just to show that we are angry at them. I'm such a coward, I don't know what made me decide to do something outrageous like that. I was only in grade one, and I'm pretty positive that it was dark and cold, as the entry was dated December 1st. It was right after swimming, so my hair was wet. There was even a tunnel that we had to pass to get home. Well, I guess I had a good sense of direction even back then, thankfully. My friend and I made it home, safe and sound (very thankfully!) and what happened next was… yup, we both got in a huge trouble. It says in my diary that my mom and my friend's mom were super angry, and that my dad was worried about me. I don't exactly remember how bad the punishment was, but yeah..  I would be terrified if my daughter did something like that. What in the world was I thinking? It is very possible that I might've gotten kidnapped or something, but I'm thankful that God protected me on my way home that very night. And tonight, I'm thankful for the sketch book diary that I found. It's as if I'm meeting myself from the past. I guess that's why I like keeping a journal. I wonder how I will feel when I read my blog ten years from now.

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