Friday, April 11, 2014

no.346 140411 Thank you for the first bike ride of the year

All I had in mind while working was "I'm gonna go home, and get my bike out for a ride." As soon as I got home, I searched for my baseball cap, got changed, got my keys and went downstairs to get my bike from the rack. I was so excited that I forgot the fact that the dust piled up and the bike needed some cleaning. I was in a rush because it was already 7PM by the time I got home from work, and the sun was about to go down.

When I started pedaling, I could feel the chilly breeze. Soon after, I found myself actually freezing… and I realized that it might be still too early for biking. Nevertheless, I enjoyed my first bike ride of the year. I surely hope that the temperature will go up a little bit more so I can take out my bike more often.

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