Sunday, March 23, 2014

no.326 140322 Thank you for helping me realize the importance of prayers

Actions without prayer leads to regrets and failures. Should've known it better, but I selfishly made up my mind to do something totally abruptly. And.. hence, I am regretting what I've done. As I am writing this, I am thinking why I didn't even consider praying before making a decision. Still, God is good and He provided for me. He's also given me this incident to make me wiser, so I'm thankful for that.

Also, I went to Mexico in my dream last night. I met pastor Rolando and we were driving over to some place with our team members. I can't remember most of my dream but it's interesting that God revealed Mexico in my dream now, because I just shared with my life group last night to pray for me in regards to this. Could it be a sign that I need to go back to Guadalajara this summer?

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