Sunday, January 26, 2014

no.271 140126 Thank you for remembering me

Central Park, NYC. May 2011 - it's on my desktop.

It was snowing so beautifully today. It was one of those days when it was snowing softly and the snowflakes gathered in big chunks as they were falling from the sky. Although it was freezing cold out, I felt warm just looking outside… if you know what I mean:)

I wasn't able to go to my regular service today since extra help was needed at the preschool department. The message was about Samson and prayer - how he is written in Hebrews 11 which is known as the "hall of faith." Despite the fact that Samson was "a Nazirite - dedicated to God from the womb" (Judges 13:5), he was tempted multiple times and he failed at resisting and sinned. 

For some reason, when I was reading Judges 16:28, it made me tear up. It goes like this: 

Then Samson prayed to the Lord, 
“Sovereign Lord, remember me. 
Please, God, strengthen me just once more, 
and let me with one blow get revenge on the Philistines for my two eyes."

The part I teared up was when Samson said "remember me." Although verse 20 says that "the Lord had left him", when Samson cried out to God to remember him, God didn't ignore. God remembered Samson just as He remembers and hears us when we cry out to Him. When we sin and we admit our guilt and ask God for His forgiveness, our Father does forgive us. However, there are consequences to our sin and we cannot escape the consequences. Even if Samson failed God so many times, the Lord heard Samson's cry and and remembered him. So what happened next? Even if Samson lost his hair which was the source of his power, he was able to gain his strength for the last time and glorified God by fulfilling his duty that God has given him - to "deliver Israel from the hands of Philistines."What was his consequence? Death - Samson died with 3000 Philistines.

Sometimes when I sin and ask God to forgive me, I know that I am forgiven but I am worried about the consequences. Because God is love but He is also wrathful. The cross of Jesus is the symbol of God's love for us, but also God's wrath. Often times we put so much significance on the love part and forget about other characters of God. We should keep in mind and fear the Lord. I'm scared that God might turn His face away from me, nor ignore me when I call. That would be the last thing I want Him to do. I pray that we may dwell in the Holy Spirit every day, so when we are tempted to sin, that we may fight the spiritual battle and overcome the sin.

By the way, my knee isn't getting any better. If anything, it feels worse than before perhaps from the cold weather. If you're reading today's blog, please pray that my knee will heal soon! Thank you:)

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