Thursday, January 9, 2014

no.254 140109 Thank you for the early morning prayer buddies

Chipotle lunch - my first time having Mexican since my Mexico mission trip!
I did it! I went to the early morning prayer three times. When I went on the first day of the morning prayer, I really thought it will be a big challenge for me to go three times. I'm kind of proud of myself since I'm not a morning person. I'm gonna try to go for more now that I've accomplished my goal:)

This morning wasn't so bad because I haven't yet taken a nap. So I've been getting a ride from one of the preschool teachers who serve with me, along with a couple of his friends. Although I've only gone to three out of eight times, these guys have been going every single day. I find it so amazing, because prayer is often associated with women more than men (or at least, that's what I think amongst Korean Christians). It's so encouraging to see these young men give up their sleep in the morning and to start their day with God. It's great to see how their hearts are set on God!

Aside from that, I had something pretty interesting happening to me today. While I was browsing online, I found a blog with a travel journal about the blogger's trip to Thailand a few summers ago. Then I came across one picture from Bangkok - the blogger photographed rainy streets of Silom. It wasn't any special picture, as it was literally a photo of a street on a rainy day. It's not that I recognized the street or anything since I've never been to Thailand before, but it just gave me an impression that I've been there before. Perhaps it reminded me of my personal experience on a rainy day? Hmmm... maybe something similar to a deja vu moment? Or it just could be a random feeling I had.

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