Tuesday, December 17, 2013

no.231 131217 Thank you for letting me dye my mom's hair

A quilted Christmas wreath made by my mom's friend
My mom has a lot of white hair. Sad, but she's got my grandma's genes so her hair started to turn grey pretty early. My dad is older than my mom and his hair only started turning grey a couple of years ago. My hair used to be really black, but it looks more like brown now. I dyed it two years ago, but its impossible for the color to last this long. Plus it was really subtle and I could only notice it under the natural light.
I dyed my mom's hair today. The first time I helped her dye her hair was a pretty emotional moment for me. It reminded me of how old my is. Then I started to notice her hands getting wrinkly. And I hear my mom complain that her vision is weird. One by one, her physical body parts are weakening. It makes me sad whenever I see my parents complain about their back pain, knee pain, vision problem, and any other possible problems. I pray for my parents health and that God will give them physical strength and healing.

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