Saturday, December 14, 2013

no.227 131213 Thank you for a fun friday night

Christmas baking!
My way of destressing is this: put on my favourite music out loud, get the recipe that I wanted to try it out and bake, and while mixing ingredients and waiting for the baked goods to come out from the oven, dance!

My playlist varies from time to time, but since 'tis the season to be jolly, I was listening to Christmas carols. I couldn't play the music out loud because my dad was taking a nap, but loud enough that I could hear it and sing along. I baked some chocolate cupcakes with white chocolate buttercream for tomorrow's life group meeting. I saw this cute 'North Pole' cupcake design so I wanted to decorate it like that, but it didn't look as nice as I expected... so I'm just gonna sprinkle it with some Christmas colours. Well, I'm really glad the cupcakes and the frosting came out nice! Many times I run in to problems when making the icing. I guess it was my lucky day. The icing came out amazing. I still need to work on my icing skills... so it doesn't look that pleasing. Oh well, it tastes good:)

Afterwards, I wrapped some Christmas gifts. I put a lot of thought and detail to it. You'll see it when I post up the picture. I don't want to post up the picture today, because I want to keep it a surprise. I already ruined the surprise last time when I uploaded a photo of the cards I made. Yeah.. that was a bad idea. I'm very excited to give these presents to my friends. I hope they appreciate all the time I put in to choose and wrap their presents!

Lastly, I sort of finished making my Christmas cards. I just need to work on a few more for my family and I will be done! At first, I had a really long list of people to write a card to. However, making cards are not that easy! Coming up with designs are difficult... although I do search online for inspirations. So far I made two designs and I'm proud to say that they are my own. So, friends, when you do receive a Christmas card, know that it's a one-of-a-kind. It's made just for you!

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