Sunday, December 1, 2013

no.215 131201 Thank you for giving me the strength to help a little child stop crying

Pretty dishes
Singing "How great is our God" made me emotional. It was the first time singing that song during the service ever since I got back from Mexico. I think I got even more emotional because one of our team members was a part of the praise team today. I was so close to tear up but I held it in. I'm thinking about sending a card to pastor Rolando in Mexico, so I had share that a bit with my pastor and one of my teammate.

During the preschool ministry today, I had a little bit of a challenge dealing with a really young student in my class. He has just turned three, so he started coming to the ministry. It's been a month I believe since he started, and every single time, he came with his dad or his mom. That's how the children in the ministry usually start. Because they're too young, they have a tough time being separated from their parents. Today was the little boy's first day being away from his parents. We were having snacks, and the dad said he was gonna leave after the snack time is over. He actually ended up leaving earlier. As soon as he walked our of the class room, the little boy started to cry. He was bawling. I dealt with a crying student before, but he just wouldn't stop crying. I ended up taking him outside to calm him down because the other children were getting distracted. I tried my best to get his mind off of his parents - tried to feed him cupcakes, talked about Christmas decorations at the church, his sister and so on. I held him for a long time until he finally stopped crying. I was so relieved that he stopped looking for his parents. Pheww... the only concern I had was that he might cry again during the worship time. Thankfully he didn't. He was so good until it was time to go home and his parents came to pick him up. I hope he won't cry next Sunday.

Oh yes, on a side note, my basketball team won the championship. Yeah! I'm so sad I couldn't play because of my injured knee... hopefully it will heal completely, so that I can join the league again in the future.

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