Thursday, October 17, 2013

no.170 131017 Thank you for my birthday

My favourite Anderson photograph.
"Every good and perfect gift is from above,
coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights,
who does not change like shifting shadows"
(James 1:17)

It's here again.

The more I get older, the less I'm looking forward to my birthday. I bet a lot of people are nodding right now. I wouldn't say I was looking forward to it either. I actually woke up happy and thankful this morning. The weather forecast said it was gonna rain on my birthday so I thought to myself "Great, just what I need on my birthday." I opened up my eyes to the blue sky with white fluffy clouds this morning. It was a good start of my day. When I went to bed last night, it was around 1AM so I got to spend a little bit of my birthday last night.

I did a couple of things before the clock struck midnight. I was working on my future husband project and of course, one of the greatest ways for me to finish a year off is writing in my journal. Ever since I started blogging, I haven't been keeping up with my journal. To be honest, I finished my note a while ago and I haven't yet purchased a new one. So what I did yesterday was continuing on my Mexico journal book. Soon I will need a brand new book because the Mexico journal is very petite. I usually get pretty flower printed notes or abstract simple designs from Korea, but there's something I've been eyeing on at Indigo.

As soon as the date changed to October 17th on my phone, the first thing I did was to pray. I praised Him for who He is and for everything that He's done in my life for the past twenty something years. I'm thankful especially for this past year. I've grown soooooo much in Him and I'm so grateful for that. In the past year, I've had some hard times and struggles when I kept questioning God why. I had heartaches and headaches because I just couldn't understand why those "bad" things were happening to me. What made worse was that all the "bad" things occurred one after another. Some of them, I'm still unsure why. However, I learned to accept God's plan without fully understanding them because God knows what's going on in my life. And that's all I need! Another thing I prayed was for my new year. I prayed for two main things - that God will reveal His plan for my life and that He will reveal my future husband this year! I ask God that these will happen in His perfect timing, and I'm secretly hoping that they will happen this year! I would love to spend my next birthday with him:)

Thank you for all the blessings dear God! It's a great time to reflect on everything you've blessed me with and how faithful you've been in my life. You are just so good! Thank you for giving me this life on earth but also the eternal life. I'm reminded of your amazing love for me through your Son Jesus. Thank you mom and dad for raising me to become the woman I am, and all the support and love you've poured onto me. Thank you friends for making me feel special with all your sweet wishes. I'm excited for this new year ahead of me!

Oh, and I wanted to share a song with you yesterday but I totally forgot about it. It's by Diana Krall called Walk On By. For some reason, I feel like listening to "Last Christmas" the Glee cover. I think my Christmas carol craziness is slowly coming back...

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