Sunday, October 13, 2013

no.166 131013 Thank you for the thankful heart

Wrapped the cookies nicely and shared them with my friends:)

Happy Thanksgiving!

I'm pretty sure many pastors talked about thankfulness in their sermon today. The message I heard from my pastor was about giving thanks too: how everything we have and everything that we're thankful for stems out from one thing - Jesus, the ultimate gift of God for us.

I do think that, in fact, that’s the reason why I started my blog. Anyways, the message made me think about the genuineness of my heart when I express my gratefulness to God. Since I started my blog, I'm able to tangibly see what I'm thankful for. There are days when I am so excited to write my post because I have so much joy in me that I can’t wait to share it with you. On the other hand, there are days when I kind of force myself to come up with an idea on the title of my post, or what to even write about. It's not that I'm not grateful that day. It's just that I don't know what to choose to write about because something special didn't happen that day. However, my focus shouldn't be about extraordinary things that occur in my life. Most of the things I do are on a regular basis, which involves a lot of repetition. I guess what I learned today is that it doesn't matter what you're thankful for - whether they may be special things that happen a few times in your life, or mundane things that you do every day, I should have the same genuine heart for each because I wouldn't have them if it wasn’t for God.

I pray that I can be truly grateful every time I give thanks to God.

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