Thursday, October 10, 2013

no.163 131010 Thank you for letting me have all the ingredients for my double chocolate chip cookie

I made this earlier this week... tuile turned out okay but not the cake (sadly!)
Sugar craving nonstop.

I took out the butter from the fridge and I'm patiently waiting for it to soften up. I already measured the flour, chocolate powder, and other ingredients for my double chocolate chip cookie recipe. Thankfully, I have all the ingredients at home to make this cookie to satisfy my craving.

Since last week (it might have been a couple weeks ago actually) I found myself craving ice cream on waffle cone... like really bad. Sadly, no one wanted to buy me ice cream so... I went out to treat myself for some ice cream! No, I didn't get a waffle cone, but I got some Baskin Robbins green tea ice cream on sugar cone (now I remember, I wrote a post about this a couple of weeks ago!). I remained pretty calm and patient after making my stomach happy until earlier this week. My birthday is just around the corner and apparently I get a free froyo at Menchies! Who would say "no" to free froyo? Of course I had to get some!

I'm still craving waffle cone ice cream! I know my craving won't stop until I actually get one... so please someone buy me ice cream for my birthday! I wish there was Baskin Robbins at a walkable distance from my place... actually, that is a terrible idea!

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