Monday, September 30, 2013

no.153 130930 Thank you for helpful friends

Remember the arugula I got the other day? I had it for breakfast!
Using my cell phone for almost everything, I don't get to log on to my accounts on my computer. I needed to get someone's email so I had to log on to my email account from my computer. One folder caught my attention and I started to go through the emails from the folder. I checked these old emails one by one. Some were about internship and job opportunities, and some had links to sermons by Francis Chan and other pastors. And I realized that I have a lot of friends who care about me - now and even then. People who are trying to help me find an internship position or a job, and even directing me to ways I can grow spiritually. Even yesterday, I had multiple friends who offered me physical help and also spiritual help by praying for me with the current situation I am in. I'm blessed to have these helpful friends around me. I'm thankful for them, and I do hope that I can do the same for them as well. Thanks friends!

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