Thursday, August 29, 2013

no.121 130829 Thank you for the classical music

Amazingly beautiful sky yesterday!
Sometimes I wonder if I have a dark side. I mean, when it comes to classical music, I realized that I mostly enjoy listening to the minor pieces. That's my reasoning behind my dark side. Please don't laugh, because I'm being serious! For instance, I love, love, love Mozart's Symphony No.25 in G Minor. I heard this song for the first time when I was in high school, from the movie Amadeus. I just thought it was beautiful and absolutely fell in love. Throughout the piece, the key changes to major as well, but my favourite part has to be the first 50 seconds. There are other pieces by Mozart that I enjoy listening to, but Symphony No.25 in G is by far my favourite, since it is the only Mozart on my iPod.

Some other minor songs by other great composers that I'm in love with include: Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata, Chopin's Fantaisie Impromptu and something more recent, Albeniz's guitar piece Asturias. Well, it doesn't mean that I don't like the pieces in a major key, because there are lots of songs that I find beautiful and love listening to. But I find these minor pieces more fascinating. I mentioned this "problem" to my sister and you know what she says? She says it's because of my blood type. I have AB blood type, and apparently we are either crazy or super smart. I just laughed when she said that. Maybe!

Whether the songs are in a minor or major key, I'm thankful for these beautiful songs.

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