Wednesday, July 17, 2013

no.78 130717 Thank you for the memorable people

Happy birthday mom!
I think I'm dehydrated from yesterday. I've been drinking water all day and still I'm thirsty. Plus, I couldn't fall asleep last night and I kept waking up.
Since Monday, I keep pondering on one thing. I'm not sure how my friend and I got to this topic but we were talking about how some people leave a big impression on one's life and therefore, we think about them from time to time. On the other hand, there are also the people we don't think about.
Coming home that day, and even the day after, I kept thinking about the conversation. There are definitely some people I think about more than others. There are some people I want to find because we've lost contact. I guess it makes sense that these people that I think about are the people that I haven't seen for years. Amongst the people that I think about, there are people that I still talk to, and there are also a couple that I lost contact with.
One of the two people I want to find is someone from church in Korea. When I was maybe in grade 1 or 2, I met this unni who was probably in university or who already started working. My dad was in the choir and I always hung out with my dad during his practice after the service. I don't remember much, but I think I just sit there next to my dad for a bit. The unni sat near me and she played with me when my dad was busy singing his part. I think the last time I saw her was before she went to New York to study or work. I was in grade 3 or 4, and I remember writing letters to her and also receiving her card with lots of Sandylion stickers that I used to collect. She had the most fancy writing ever. I still have all the cards I received from her, although there are about a few.
I'm thankful for the people who have left a great impression on my life. I wonder what others will say about me. Am I that memorable person for someone? Or am I the person whom they want to delete from their memories? I hope to be a memorable person in one's life, and make a positive impact on people's lives.

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