Wednesday, July 10, 2013

no.71 130710 Thank you for my girlfriends

My first time trying cold udon! Made by my wonderful friend!
I just got back home! I walked as fast as I can from the station because I am running out of time to write this post! I am coming back from my friend's house. The four of us had a lovely dinner, dessert prepared by moi and a fun time! It's my third time trying something she made, and I enjoyed all three dishes. I'm so lucky to have her as a friend because she's an amazing cook! I’m thankful for the girlfriends in my life. Tonight, I’m particularly thankful for the friends I met through volunteering. We’re planning something fun for the summer, a project of a sort, but I’ll update with the details once we actually make it happen. I’m looking forward to it girls!

I made some mini cheesecake tarts for desserts!
In preparation for Mexico, I got a shot today. I was so nervous to get that shot on my arm... but it wasn't that bad after all. I'm such a coward when it comes to things like this. Anyways, I got all the shots I need so I am ready for Mexico! There are of course, other things I still need to prepare but it’s getting there. Tomorrow is our forth meeting! I’m excited about all the prep we’ll be doing!

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