Friday, May 17, 2013

no.17 130517 Thank you for giving me the courage

"Be strong and courageous.
Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged,
for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go"
Joshua 1:9

If you've been following my blog, you'll know that I have written a post about hearing God and finding His will for each one of us. I continued to pray and sought after God's plan for me for the past few days and finally, I've decided to be brave and take an action. Although I'm still not completely sure whether this is God's direction or not, I figured that I can't just do nothing if I wanted to find out what lies behind this thought that could be coming from God. I wanted to discover the truth. I still worry and question things like, "oh, what if I heard Him wrong? What if this isn't what God wanted me to do? What if I just did it because it's something I wanted to do and I'm pretending as if it's coming from God in order to comfort myself?" There are endless 'what if' questions to the fear of the unknown. I'm worried that the reason that I'm even pondering upon these questions may signal that what I've done today is not God's plan. I really don't know, and won't know until I see the result.

What I do know is that I need to trust God fully. He already knew about my thoughts and worries even before I began to develop them in my head.  If I have made a mistake, then God will lead me to the right path. I trust that He will also guide me in fixing my mistakes. If I've heard Him right, and I'm walking in the direction as He planned for me, then great! I will continue to pray for His guidance and wisdom in knowing His plan for me. So I'm thankful that I was able to be courageous enough to take an action to find something that I think it's coming from God. As God told Joshua three times in his time of transition, God tells me to "be strong and courageous" today.

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